Replace your monthly salary with a 6 figure Airbnb business that takes just 3 hours per week to manage - guaranteed.

3 Secret Strategies To Create Passive Income With Airbnb — Without Owning Property


My students make between $5k - $10k per month all without owning or renting a single property within the first few months


Girl, if being stuck in the 9 to 5 grind isn’t the life you’ve envisioned for yourself, it’s because it’s NOT what you’re meant for.

3 ways to know you're an anti-corporate badass who's destined to work for their dang self:

You've got this Airbnb dream, but it's playing hard to get. Convincing Mr. Mortgage to part with a gazillion dollars is a "someday" goal, right?

Missing out on life's epic adventures? Nah, not your vibe. You're all about collecting stories, making memories, and embracing the freedom to experience it ALL. But the 9-5 grind? It's putting a serious damper on your style (and the cash to fund it).

Time's your most precious asset, and it feels like it's slipping away. You're itching for that Airbnb host flexibility you've heard about where you're not chained to a desk but working just a few hours a week. Let's make it happen.

sound familiar?


I am currently at $113k for the year on 2 units and will make close to $150k by the end of the year in Edmonds, Wa! Suzie’s Airbnb strategies have been a blessing and have given me time freedom with my 2 under two!

Grab a pen and paper and learn:

3 ways to break into the Airbnb scene without emptying your pockets on an expensive mortgage.

Why you don’t need to own property and how teaming up with landlords can skyrocket your business.

Why you don’t need a prime location to make a ton of money. In fact, you can thrive in off-the-beaten areas and come out on top — it's just about knowing the right strategy to get booked!

Is the webinar worth my time (because we know it's precious!)? Here’s what previous attendees have to say:

And if ANYONE understands the feeling of being completely TRAPPED in the hamster wheel of life (HOME→ WORK→ SUPERMARKET→ HOME), IT’S ME! 

I WAS YOU LESS THAN 5 YEARS AGO, and here I am today with a 6-figure Airbnb business that took me less than 2 years to build and allowed me the freedom to create other income streams that have made me a seven-figure entrepreneur living her dreams! 

And now I:
  • Have the bank account of my dreams
  • Enjoy complete time freedom
  • Kissed my day job BYE BYE FOREVER
  • Am able to spend any amount of time with my family
  • Can travel anywhere I want, whenever I want

I’ve learned the ropes in Airbnb and built a multi-six-figure Airbnb business, and went on to leverage that to create a seven figure business. Airbnb opened the door to everything good in my life- I want it to do the same for you!

Hi, I’m Suzie, 

Ready to build a boomin’ Airbnb biz without needing to own property? Take the first step today.

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